Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Responsibilities of New Canadian Citizens

By Harshith
· The responsibilities of the children will be to go to school, be safe, and keep the others around you safe. They will also have to be nice and respect others. They also have to follow the laws of the government.
· The children will begin to have adult responsibilities when they are 18 years of age. This is because at 18 years, the children’s minds will be ready for the responsibilities.
· The responsibilities of the adults will be to cooperate with other families, to support their families, and to take care of the elderly, children, poor, handicapped, and orphaned. They also have to respect the government and its decisions. The adults also have to respect others as well.
· The responsibilities of the elderly will be the same as adults but they won’t have to support their family since they are too old. They also won’t have to take care of others because it will be hard even taking care of themselves.
· People will be considered elderly at the age of 65 because this is when they start to grow weaker.
· Once the elderly have begun to go senile they will be forced to retire and stop working.
· The elderly will be provided by the retirement accounts in the bank. While they work, they will deposit money in that account whenever they can. Once they retire, they can live by using the money in the account. But if they run out the government will provide the necessities for them. But no one will know that the government will provide the necessities if needed so they will still work hard.


By Allen
In New Canada there are multiple businesses, such as manufacturing, marketing, and transportation. Others such as mining, agriculture, hunting (with strict limits), collect resources for our community. Some in-city businesses include construction, education, and hydro services, which benefit the residents of the community.
Students are trained for jobs in college. For all jobs except for doctors, the students are trained for one years. Twenty-two months are spent learning what the job requires one to know. Two more months are used to train with someone already employed in the business that the student is training for. However, for doctors, they have one extra year in school. Two and a half years are for learning what the to-be doctor needs to know. Then, half a year is for learning from another doctor.

Influences From Outside the Community and Trade

Outside Influences
By Sophie
Our community will be self-supporting. We will provide our own food, clothing, waste disposal, etc. Since New Canada is a rural settlement, we have many farmers planting crops (without using pesticides). Every summer to autumn, they harvest the crops. It signifies the near-end of a successful year. Around the neighborhoods there will be many fruit bearing trees, such as apple trees, cherry trees, orange trees, etc. Our factories will be solar or wind powered for making anything that cannot be made naturally. This effectively makes us a non-polluting community.
Policies for Trading:
-no fraud
-appropriate cost
-not harmful to people
-not harmful to the environment
-tit for tat trading policy
-in the unlikely event of a “rip-off,” the goods are refunded
Traded Goods
We’ll only trade if there is a shortage or if there are rare items the can only be found in one part of the community.
We will only borrow services from others if needed.
Vacation and Tourism
New Canada is one big community, so there really aren’t really any tourists that will come. People can go on vacation only when they have their superior’s approval. But for leaving the community, they will have to get the council’s permission.

What New Canadian Citizens do in Their Spare Time

By Sophie
Since our world is very rural, and no-polluted, we thought of all eco-friendly games and hobbies for New Canada’s population. All are activities that we do today, in our world, except for “Use your hand to hit the ball” ball, which is a variant of what we know as handball.
We have many entertaining things from books to painting, to hiking and sports. We have games like bingo, and chess clubs. Many of these things are for teenagers and children. For the elderly we have hobbies like painting, sketching, singing… there are many things for them to do. We have movie theatres and photography for adults. They can also play sports like football, baseball, soccer, etc. Other things to do in our spare time are cooking, bird watching, sewing, and beading. We have a HUGE variety of hobbies. The main sport of New Canada is “Use your hand to hit the ball” ball, which is fun, challenging, and simple. There will be No such things as T.V. in New Canada because we don’t want too many lazy people watching T.V. all day long.
For clothing most people would wear comfortable clothing like jeans, t-shirts, and track pants. In winter people would wear leather jackets and boots stuffed with cotton. The one and only limitation on clothing is: NO PROTION OF VIOLENCE! Any others will be perfectly fine in New Canada.


By Harshith
The workers were paid in cardboard boxes with a question mark on one side and has the value of mushrooms and flowers that are given (like a check) on the other side. If you deposit this box in a bank, you can withdraw or transfer the value it has written on it, into your bank account
The units of currency are different coloured mushrooms and flowers.
If someone has no job, the government provides necessities so that they can live and support their family. During this time, they will have to wait for the government to create a new job for them in which they had got certified to do that job.

Currency Units
Red Mushroom = $1
Red Flower = $0.01
Green Mushroom = $5
Green Flower = $0.05
Blue Mushroom = $10
Blue Flower = $0.10
Purple Mushroom = $20
Purple Flower = $0.25
Pink Mushroom = $50
Pink Flower = $0.50
Golden Mushroom = $100
Golden Flower = $0.75
Cardboard box with question mark on one side; value of mushrooms and flowers, along with the name of recipient and signature of sender= Check

How People are Educated in New Canada

By Abeeshan
New Canada’s education isn’t much more different than the Earths education. There are fourteen grades, seven elementary, three middle, and four high. There would be one year of kindergarten and gr. 1 starts at the age of six. Middle school starts at grade 8 which is 13 years old and university/college starts at the age of 20 which is after grade 14. There would be one to two years of college depending on the job, three years for university Master Degree, and six years for university Ph.D. The typical school year would be 8 months long and the break would be four months long. Elementary school would be 5 and a half hour each day and it would be 5 days a week. It would be from 10:00am to 3:30 pm. The subjects that would be taught would be physical activities, history, math, geography, science and technology, compassion, art, music, and survival skills. We want to emphasize the skill of physical activities because physical activities would keep the person healthy. The education would be different from our current one because it has 14 grades, the days are shorter, the school year is shorter, university/college has fewer years, and there are more subjects. The special features that schools will have to help students are projectors, SMART boards, lots of books, quiet workplaces, walls for every classroom, and awesome teachers like Mr. Lyons.

Our National Anthem

By Allen
For the society project we have created a national anthem that is sung to the tune of O Canada. It goes:
New Canadaaaaa
Our great new home and land!
New patriot love!
In all twelve men command!
With brand new hearts we see the rise;
Our new Earth, strong and free!
From old to new.
New Canada, we’ll sit and watch for thee!
We keep our land great and beautiful
New Canada, we’ll sit and watch for thee!
New Canada, we’ll sit and watch for thee!!!

The “In all twelve men command” refers to our government’s ruling council of 12.

Transportation in New Canada

By Abeeshan
All the transportation in New Canada will not use any gasoline. There will be bars separating the road from the sidewalk, so there would be no accidents and so people can’t jay walk. Near each traffic light there would be spaces with no bars so people could cross the road. Each family would be equipped with their own bike, scooter, and roller blades so the families wouldn’t have to waste money on them.
The sidewalks would be filled with bikes, scooters, etc. and there would be magnetic cars and vans the road for private/public transportation. There would also be magnetic trains for public transportation. There would still be traffic lights at intersections so vehicles don’t crash. All the signs for vehicles would still be there too like speeding signs. At every school there would be bike racks so students can ride their bikes to school. In New Canada there would be airplanes, vans, and space shuttles too. The space shuttles would be useful because then people can explore their new galaxy and explore/mine the moon.

The Government of New Canada

By Sophie
Type of government: Aristocracy
The twelve wisest men on the planet will be chosen to be the high council. They will be chosen by a competition. Here are the criteria: wise, compassionate, over 35 years of age, loyal, honest. During the competition, they will go through some tests and an interview. And when chosen, the group of 12 will be able to make new rules but also be able to abolish rules. Much like today, police officers will make sure that people follow the rules. They will enforce the rules.

Crime and Punishment
For people caught breaking a rule or having an accident, they will be taken by the police and be judged by the high council. Depending how many and what rules they broke, the council will give them a punishment. Punishments vary depending on what the person has done and their records. If their records are clean, the punishment will be lighter. The punishment varies from light like writing an apology letter, to heavy like going to jail/prison. If anyone creates something specifically designed to hurt/injure other people, the item will be destroyed. Not mentioning anything to the media. And if anyone steals, the item(s) will be returned or replaced.

- Respect others (plants, environment, animals, people)
- Be honest
- Treat others the way you wish to be treated
- No violence
- No smoking
- No drug dealing
- No weapons
- No war
- War and any other excessive violence is not to be mentioned in the media
- No stealing
- No manslaughter
- No terrorizing
- No jay walking
- Listen to others
- Treat each other respectfully, equally and fairly; no discrimination
- And other bad things
- And please, PWEEZE love, not hate. :)